Thursday, March 28, 2013

Use of Agency Staff, Booking Offices-South West Trains

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Circular No IR.193/13

Our Ref: BR2/13/1
28th March 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Use of Agency Staff, Booking Offices – South West Trains

As a result of an investigation into alleged fraud at Richmond Booking Office a number of staff have been suspended.

The Union sought assurances from SWT that agency workers would not be utilised to cover these agreed established positions and that full time employees would be used. We further asked that a meeting with the local committee and manager be held to agree rostering arrangements at Richmond. We were pleased to receive assurances on both issues.

However, the union has now found out that the meeting has never taken place and that agency staff are being utilised despite assurances to the contrary. Obviously this is unacceptable as the union appears to have been deliberately misled by South West Trains. We accepted these assurances in good faith.

I have written to South West Trains demanding, by return, their assurance that they will honour their previous commitment. Should they fail to do so then this will result in the union being in dispute with the company.

Yours sincerely,

Bob Crow
General Secretary

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