Thursday, January 3, 2013

Travel Facilities, Retired Staff-South West Trains

Circular No IR/05/13

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Our Ref: BR2/12/6
3rd January 2012

Dear Colleagues


I have been advised by South West Trains that they wish to introduce a new concessionary retired staff travel pass. The company has informed me that now the mandatory retirement age of 65 has been removed, their current policy on retired concessionary travel can no longer apply.

Therefore the current concessionary retired staff travel pass will be turned into a loyalty pass. The new loyalty pass will be available after retirement with the prerequisite that the retiree completes 20 years of service with South West Trains.

The General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:

“That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the correspondence from South West Trains. It is truly staggering that the company are seeking to restrict concessionary staff travel arrangements that formed part of the 2002 pay award, under the guise of adhering to the age discrimination legislation.

Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to challenge SWT on this issue, reminding them that concessionary travel was negotiated in good faith and our members expect this to be honoured. Further legal opinion is to be obtained regarding the company’s claim that they could be in breach of legislation if they continue with the current arrangements. Relevant Branches and the Wessex Regional Council to be advised.”

I will now be acting on the instructions of this decision and I will keep you advised of any developments.

Yours sincerely

Bob Crow
General Secretary

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