Tuesday, February 18, 2014

RMT Mail

Dear RMT Mail user,


Many of you will have noticed the recent difficulties in trying to access your RMT Mail accounts.


The problems have been caused because accounts have been hacked and then used to launch spam email attacks which, in turn, have caused the Amazon cloud server that hosted the site to become compromised and the data upon it being lost.


Sadly, therefore, we have made the reluctant decision to terminate this service with immediate effect. We apologise profusely for the inconvenience that this will cause.


Andrew Brattle

RMT Web Editor

020 7529 8880

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Zero Tolerance Campaign Fighting Homophobia




          My ref:EO/31

12 February 2014

Circular No. NP/035/14









Dear Colleague,




Please find enclosed some copies of the FightingHomophobia poster.  A wrist band has been produced to accompany the campaign and a couple are also enclosed.


This opportunity can be taken to remind all members that anobject of the Union is to oppose actively all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination.  The poster provides a simple symbol for our zero tolerance to discrimination.


As part of supporting our Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender members, any LGBT member who wishes to be more actively involved in the union are encouraged to attend the short course at our Doncaster Education Centre on 28-29 March 2014.


All members who are interested in the broad issue of equalities are welcome to attend the Equalities course on 10-14 March 2014. It would be of particular benefit to members who are considering becoming Equality Reps for their Branch or workplace.


Should you have any comments or require more copies,please do contact the Equal Opportunities Officer, Jess Webb (j.webb@rmt.org.uk).


Yours sincerely,

General Secretary




Annual Leave Cover-Wessex Regional Organiser







To: All Branches in the Wessex Regional Council and the Wessex Regional Council




Circular No MF/23/14


13 February 2014



Dear colleague


Annual Leave Cover – Wessex Regional Organiser, Bro. M. Tosh


Please be advised that the Wessex Regional Organiser, Mick Tosh will be on annual leave during the following periods:


Tuesday 6th to Friday 9th May 2014 inclusive


Wednesday 18th to Thursday 19th June 2014 inclusive


Monday 21st July 2014


Wednesday 20th to Thursday 28th August 2014 inclusive


Monday 10th to Sunday 16th November 2014 inclusive


Relief Regional Organiser (South), Peter Skellywill becovering Bro. Tosh’s duties during this period and can be contacted on 07920 724 862 or by emailingp.skelly@rmt.org.uk


Yours sincerely



Bob Crow

General Secretary