Good luck to all candidates in there campaign for this position.

Waterloo Branch Represents all Grades at Waterloo, Vauxhall, Queens Town Road and Clapham Junction for South Western Railway, Select Service Partners/Rail Gourmet/Network Rail/ /ISS /Churchill Cleaners and Interserve. The RMT Represents all Grades.... It is your Union So come along to Branch Meetings and find out the latest News and have your say in running your Union.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wessex Region Executive Member Nomination
Good luck to all candidates in there campaign for this position.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Reduction in the Working Week
Circular No IR/559/13
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR2/0004
26th September 2013
Dear Colleagues
I am sure you are well aware of the long-standing union policy to reduce the working week for all our members. The issue was raised at the 2011 National Conference of Train Crew and Shunting Grades which called for a campaign to reduce the working week for all Traincrew Grades below 35 hours per week,with the ultimate target being for a working week of 32 hours.The matter has recently been reconsidered by the General Grades Committee, which instructed me to write to all Lead Officers for train operating companies asking them to continue to pursue this matter.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary
New RMT Website- Request for Feedback
To: HO Officers, Executive, Regional Organisers, Regional Councils, Branches, Shipping Branches
25 September 2013
Circular No. Comms/001/13/AB
Dear Colleagues,
As you are aware RMT recently launched a new website designed to bring you the latest news and campaign detailswhilst maintaining the information and features of the old site.
We hope that you are enjoying the new site and we would appreciate your feedback. We would be grateful if you could complete the online survey that can be found at .
Please let us have your thoughts by October 31st 2013.
Yours sincerely,
Bob Crow
General Secretary
Combination if Cleaning Grades-South West Trains
Circular No IR/558/13
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR2/10/2
26th September 2013
Dear Colleagues
Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 20thJune 2013 (IR/368/13), in which, I asked Branches on the South West Trains line of route for their opinions on how they would like the union to progress this matter. I can now report that, I have not received any responses from the affected Branches. I have therefore asked the Regional Organiser to have this issue discussed again at the next full Company Council meeting.
I am awaiting the outcome of the discussions and will provide members with an update when a report has been considered again by the General Grades Committee.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary
Monday, September 23, 2013
Aftermath of Hillsborough Appeal for Witnesses
Circular No. NP/246/13
23rd September 2013
H.O. Ref: R14/5
Dear Colleagues,
Aftermath of Hillsborough – Appeal for witnesses
Following revelations again suggesting Police manipulation of witnesses’ evidence, the Independent Police Complaints Commission launched an inquiry into the aftermath of the 1989Hillsborough disaster.
A year since it was established, the enquiry has begun recovering documents, has set up a database, recruited staff and acquired andfitted out a building. Now the enquiry is progressing with the investigation phase and witnesses are being asked to come forward.
If you were at Hillsborough on 15 April 1989 and gave a statement to Police, please contact the IPCC via this form or by calling 0300 200 0003. If you do make contact with the inquiry,please also inform the Hillsborough campaigner Danny Gordon ( that you have done so.
Yours sincerely,
Bob Crow
General Secretary
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Free Travel for all Staff
Circular No IR/542/13
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR1/0238
12th September 2013
Dear Colleagues
Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 22ndAugust 2013 (IR/491/13) in which, I advised you that the General Grades Committee had referred this issue into their National Sub-Committee to establish a full review of travel concessions across the transport industry.
I can now report that this review has now taken place and theGeneral Grades Committee has instructed me to write to all the Train Operating Companies requesting talks to discuss the issue of concessionary travel facilities. Furthermore, I have been instructed to write to TSSA, ASLEF and Unite asking them to support our campaign for free travel for all staff.
I will, of course, keep you fully advised on any further developments.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary
Monday, September 9, 2013
Use Of Agency Staff, Booking Office-South West Trains
Circular No IR/526/13
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR2/13/1
9th September 2013
Dear Colleague
Further to my Circular No IR/345/13 dated the 11th June 2013with regards to the above matter and where I informed you that the situation at Richmond Ticket Office will continue to be monitored, I can now advise you that I have received a further report from the Regional Organiser clarifying the current position.
The matter has been subject to recent consideration by the General Grades Committee who note that South West Trains still have one or two agency workers employed in the Richmond Ticket Office and that the company are currently advertising and seeking to employ two Booking Office staff to remove the use of any agency workers.
Therefore, an update report will be placed back before the General Grades Committee when normal working has resumed, for further consideration.
I will, of course, keep you fully advised on any further developments.
Best wishes.
Bob Crow
General Secretary