Circular No IR/486/13
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: HC/12/1
22nd August 2013
Dear Colleagues
Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 5thApril 2013 (IR/205/13), in which, I advised you that the union was pursuing travel facilities for our Rail Gourmet members. I can now report that I have received a response from Rail Gourmet on this matter.
The company state that they want travel facilities for all staff;however they are not able to implement this as the costs would be too prohibitive. Rail Gourmet has also indicated that if they incorporated travel facilities into future and existing contracts then it would make them uncompetitive in the tendering process.
The General Grades Committee has had opportunity to consider this matter and has instructed me to continue to progress this matter with Rail Gourmet and the Train Operating Companies.The General Grades Committee has also reiterated the union’s policy that all agency ancillary workers should be brought back in-house.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary