Friday, December 28, 2012

LDC Update for Revenue Protection Grades (Area Manager London Area)

To advise all Revenue Protection Grades in the Area Manager London area that the ballot for the LDC position for these grades will be taking place on the 14th January 2013


Sunday, December 23, 2012

New Wessex Regional Organiser Information

New Wessex Regional Organiser Information

To advise that the newly elected RMT Wessex Regional Organiser Mick Tosh takes over his new post on the 01st January 2013, his contact details are as below:

Mobile: 07900 877720




On behalf of all the Branch Officials we would like to wish you and your Families a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

And would like to thank you all for your support throughout 2012.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Revenue Protection Update

To advise that the Company Council Reps raised with the Company about the issue of RPA's carrying out plain clothes duties.

We stated that this task is not contained within the RPA's Job Description and should only be carried out by RPI's, the Company have advised us that they will not contravene the Job Descriptions on this issue.

New Inflation Rates

Head Office Circular No. NP/319/12

To the Secretary all Branches,
Council of Executive members,
Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Tuesday 18th December 2012

Dear Colleagues,

New Inflation Rates

The Office of National Statistics has just published new inflation figures for the twelve months to November 2012.

The Retail Price Index (RPI) stood at 3% for the year to November 2012, down 0.2% from the 3.2% figure to October 2012.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) stood at 2.7% for the year to November 2012, unchanged from the figure to October 2012.

According to the ONS, the largest downward pressures behind the change in the RPI rate came from motoring expenditure, housing and household goods. These were partially offset by an upward pressure from food.

RMT pay submissions will continue to emphasise that your financial commitments have increased at a greater rate than inflation and that your living standards are undermined by this disparity.

Yours sincerely

Bob Crow
General Secretary

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

October 2012 Pay Update Meetings

To advise the next Pay Talks Meeting for the October 2012 Pay anniversary has been arranged for the 01st February 2013, your negotiators at this meeting are as below:


Regional Organiser

Mick Tosh

Company Council Reps

Rickey Goodman

Michael Campbell

John Imm

We will update you further on these talks after the meeting

Monday, December 17, 2012

Revenue Commercial Guards-South West Trains

Circular No IR/699/12

To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils

Our Ref: BR2/14/2

17th December 2012

Dear Colleague


Further to my Circular No IR/427/12 dated the 8th August 2012 with regards to the above matter and where I informed you that I was pursuing legal advice as to whether or not the company were in breach of our Guard member’s contract of employment and the Guards Restructuring Initiatives. Please be advised, that I have now received a legal opinion from our Solicitors and the matter has been subject to recent consideration by the General Grades Committee and their decision is as follows:

“That we note the legal opinion which is now on file stating ‘that by introducing revenue and penalty fare targets and using the poor performance procedure to enforce these, South West Trains may well be in breach of contract.’

Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to challenge South West Trains on this issue, reminding them that this union does not recognise their unagreed policy and that any action taken against our members using this policy will not be tolerated.

Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.”

In accordance with the above, I am now carrying out the instructions of the GGC decision and I will, of course, keep you fully advised on any further developments.

Best wishes.

Bob Crow
General Secretary

Thursday, December 6, 2012

2012 South West Trains Pay Talks Update

To advise that your Negotiators below met with the Company on the 06th December 2012 to discuss the Pay anniversary date for October 2012.

The Company have made an opening offer to all Grades of 1.7% and a payment of £350.00 on all grades where their basic falls under £21,000 per year, also this a 1year offer with no offer to increase the London Allowances.

We also raised that we need to have further talks on the reduction of the Guards hours, and the company have advised that they have received ideas on how this can be achieved and have stated that they are currently putting costs to these ideas.

We have advised the Company that we are rejecting this offer and have asked the Company to look at this offer, which they have and we will be re-convening a further Pay talks meeting in January 2013, we will advise you of the date when known.


Pete Gale (Regional Organiser)

Company Council

Rickey Goodman
John Imm
John Donoghue

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Election Result-RMT National President


Circular No. MF/129/12

4th December 2012


The Secretary all Branches, Regional Organisers & Regional Councils

Dear Colleague,

Election of National President

Period of Office 1st January 2013 – 31st December 2015

With reference to the above, at a meeting of the Council of Executives, the report of the independent scrutineer Electoral Reform Services was considered and the following was declared elected:

Name Branch

Peter Pinkney Teesside

Yours sincerely


Bob Crow

General Secretary

Monday, December 3, 2012

Wessex Regional Organiser Election Result

To advise that Mick Tosh has been elected as the new Wessex Regional Organiser from January 2013.