Circular No IR/157/12
To All Branches, Regional Offices & Regional Councils
Our Ref: BR2/15/4
29th March 2012
Dear Colleagues
Further to my previous circular on the above matter dated 2nd February 2012 (IR/61/12), the General Grades Committee has considered this matter and has taken the following decision:
“That we note the report from our Regional Organiser and the correspondence from South West Trains on file. The challenge from this union on the legality of the proposed secondment of our members based at the Customer Service Centre (Southampton) clearly had the positive effect that we hoped for, as the company have withdrawn their proposals.
Therefore we instruct the General Secretary to send a personal letter by post to all the affected members, reaffirming this union’s opposition to any watering down of our members’ terms and conditions. Further we instruct the General Secretary to place an article covering this matter in the RMT News. Relevant Branches and Regional Councils to be advised.”
I would be obliged if you will bring this to the attention of your members.
Yours sincerely
Bob Crow
General Secretary