Circular No IR/492/11
Our Ref: HC/9/17
4th November 2011
Dear Colleague
I have been informed that Select Service Partners are making reductions to our members’ rate of pay as a result of failing a so called Team Leader Assessment. Furthermore, the company are terminating our members’ current contracts of employment and telling them to sign new terms and conditions prior to any negotiations taking place with this union. I herewith enclose a copy of the letter the company are issuing to SSP employees, which is as follows:
“Dear XXXX
I refer to our discussion on XXXX where we discussed the issue of changing your role and rate of pay following the Colleague Structure Review Assessments. I write to confirm that your current contract will terminate on four weeks time and you will thereafter be employed as a Team Member. All other current terms and conditions of employment, save as to your rate of pay which will be £6.08p remain unchanged. For the avoidance of doubt the changes below will be effective from 17.11.2011.
The Job Description for the Team Member role you will be expected to perform is enclosed.
Your New Role and Job Title: Team Member
Your New Hourly Rate of Pay: £6.08p
Please keep this letter with your current contract of employment and sign, date and return to XXXX the enclosed copy of this letter.
I XXXX agree to the above terms.
Signed: ...........................................................................................................................
Dated: ...........................................................................................................................”
In this regard, I would ask that any SSP member who may find themselves in such a position, to complete and return to their manager, a copy of the enclosed ‘under protest’ slip. Additionally, all affected members should submit a grievance to their manager without delay.
In accordance with the above, I would be most grateful if you could bring this very important matter to the attention of all your SSP members and ask that they contact their Branch Secretary or Regional Office to request an application for legal assistance, Employment Tribunal Claim Form (L2) and submit a claim for ‘the unlawful deduction of wages’ with immediate effect.
I shall, of course, keep you fully advised on any further developments.
Yours sincerely