Sunday, October 30, 2011

Update on 2011 Paytalks

To advise that the RMT Negotiators will be meeting with the Company for the 2nd Meeting on the 01st November to discuss the 2011 Anniversary for Pay for all Grades within South West Trains.

At the first Meeting the Company did not offer a % payrise, the RMT Negotiators have asked the Company to consider a range of items as part of the 2011 Pay award which also include payments for staff through the period of the 2012 Olympics.

We will of course keep you updated on these and future talks on this issue.

Bob Crow's speech at the NO to McNulty rally, October 25, 2011

For those of you who were unable to be there, watch Bob’s speech at the standing-room-only Save Our Railways rally:

please click on the link below:


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Revenue Protection Item

It has been raised to us by several members that the Company are Merging the Revenue Protection with Rail Community Officers, we would wish to advise all that this was not raised with us at the last Company Council Meeting that we had with the Company back in September of this year.
We are meeting with the Company for a Company Council Meeting to discuss Job Descriptions on the 25th October 2011, and we will be raising this issue with them then, we will keep you posted on this after the meeting and will send e-mail update out to you.


Rickey Goodman
RMT Company Council Secretary
Mobile: 07824 410 568

Michael Campbell
RMT Company Council Rep
Mobile: 07714 667 729

John Donoghue
RMT Company Council Rep
Mobile:07810 636 425

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

New Inflation Rates

Tuesday 18th October 2011

Circular No. National Policy 194/11/MC

To the Secretary all Branches,

Council of Executive members,

Regional Councils and Regional Offices.

Dear Colleagues,

New Inflation Rates

The Office of National Statistics has just published new inflation figures for the twelve months to September 2011.

The Retail Price Index (RPI) for this twelve monthly period is 5.6%, up from the 5.2% figure for the twelve months to August 2011.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 5.2% for the twelve months to September 2011. This is up 4.5% from the figure for the twelve months to August 2011.

The largest upward pressure to annual inflation came from:

Housing & household services where the upward effect was driven by gas and electricity

where average bills rose this year by 13.0 per cent and 7.5 per cent respectively between

August and September but were unchanged a year ago.

In pay submissions the RMT will continue to emphasise that your financial commitments have increased at a much greater rate than inflation and your living standards have suffered as a result.

Yours Sincerely


Bob Crow,

General Secretary

Joint Union Statement on RMT/TSSA Talks-No 6

Dear Colleagues


With reference to the above, I can confirm that the following statement was issued by Gerry Doherty and Bob Crow today:


“TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday 18 October 2011 for further friendly and constructive talks concerning the political strategies for a potential new union.

“There was consensus that a political fund is an essential part of a potential future new union.  The role of our current political funds was discussed which include affiliation to the Labour Party, political education of trade union members and support for organisations and campaigns in line with union policies and rule books. It was accepted that in a potential new union it would be important to have clear prohibitions against political funds being used to support fascist or racist organisations, parties and individual candidates. 

“It was understood that it was important to have parliamentary representation in national and regional parliaments and assemblies. 

“However, further discussions are required on a number of unresolved related issues.”

The next meeting will be held on 1 November 2011 to allow both negotiating teams to attend the lobby and rally of Parliament against the proposals in the McNulty Report.  We strongly encourage all members of both unions to attend this very important event on Tuesday 25th October 2011 at the Methodist Central Hall, Westminster at 12 noon.


Gerry Doherty (TSSA)

Bob Crow (RMT)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Dear Colleagues


With reference to the above, I can confirm that the following statement was issued by Gerry Doherty and Bob Crow today:


“TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 for further friendly and constructive talks concerning the democratic structures of our respective unions.  Our talks focussed on the workings of Annual Conferences, Executive Committees, Regional/Divisional and Branch structures. 

“It is clear that there are a number of similarities in the structures of both organisations for democratic accountability and also a number of areas were identified, which require further more detailed discussion.  These areas include the shape, size and composition of the geographical structures to which branches will be attached; the respective roles of both the Annual Conference and the Executive Committee; and integrating both grades and equalities/diversity representation into democratic structures of a potential new merged union. 

“We recognise that wider consultation will be required once these issues have been further explored. 

“We intend to continue to meet and explore further the organisational and democratic questions raised by a potential merger between our unions, in line with the express decisions of our respective Executive Committees and Conferences.  All developments will be reported to our respective union executives.  In addition we will continue to agree joint statements to members, branches and activists.” 


Gerry Doherty (TSSA)

Bob Crow (RMT)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear Colleagues


With reference to the above, I can confirm that the following statement was issued by Gerry Doherty and Bob Crow today:


“TSSA and RMT met again as planned on Tuesday, 4 October 2011 for friendly and constructive talks to discuss sectoral and geographical organisation of our respective union memberships and possible future opportunities for trade union organisation in the event of a potential merger in the transport, travel and offshore energy sectors currently represented by the two unions. It is clear that there are very substantial overlaps between our two unions in terms of industrial and sectoral organisation and in our existing structures as well as significant potential areas for growth and new organisational opportunities for a merged trade union in the sectors we organise.

"We discussed a broad range of principles, including that any new union organisation resulting from a merger between us will be based on lay member-led Branches and that every individual union member will be attached to a union Branch. The primary functions of the Branch will be to campaign and to promote the organisation of workers in our sectors into the trade union, the representation of members and to be the foundation of a sound democratic structure in order to ensure accountability of the union to its members.

"Branches will be allocated their own financial resources based on an agreed formula. The spheres of influence and numbers of Branches in a merged union will be a matter for discussion under an agreed process that will fully involve all relevant parts of the merged union organisation at local, regional, divisional and national level.

"We recognise that different members in different sectors may have different aspirations and organisational needs, which will need to be fully considered in the process of branch organisation as part of any merger. Particular groups of members will need to continue to be grouped together in order to maintain a collective identity within a merged union organisation, i.e. shipping and offshore grades, bus workers, management grades, travel trade, etc. Consultation with these groups of union members through their respective union structures to ensure that their identity and their democratic rights are protected is an essential part of the process we have outlined above."

We intend to continue to meet and explore further the organisational and democratic questions raised by a merger between our unions. All developments will be reported to our respective union executives. In addition we will continue to agree joint statements to members, branches and activists.”


Gerry Doherty (general secretary TSSA)

Bob Crow (general secretary RMT)